Tuesday, September 13, 2011

We Are The Champions, My Friends

This is it!

We have overcome the biggest part of our battle.  I never thought I would actually get to the day where I can report to everyone how many embryo babies we have in our pietre dish or share when the big day is... but we are here!

Gene and I are the proud parents of 10 embryos! Now the rest is up my body and God to grow 2 of these beautiful embryos into even more beautiful kids. I can truly say that I am more excited than nervous or anxious. Our transfer is scheduled to take place on Saturday morning at 9:30. I will be there at 9:00 with a full bladder, a good book to read while I'm by myself in the nearly upside down position in the recovery room, and a very happy heart. I could not be any more ready for this day. I pray that the transfer will be successful and that my body will accept my embryos. I acknowledge and understand that this is no longer in my hands and I think that is part of what makes me so ready for this. I've got my family, friends, faith and of course my sweet Grandma on my side.

I really want to say to everyone that reads my blog posts and comments on my Facebook posts, sends me texts, and continually follows up with me... thank you. Having so many wonderful, supportive, and understanding people in my life has really made this process less painful. I know I have not always been the most pleasant girl throughout this process and I am just so thankful for all of you! I hope that the next post I make will be some more great news!

Wish me luck, say some prayers, and cross everything you can for us!