Thursday, January 19, 2012


Baby boy in 3D at around 14 weeks

baby girl on the right and baby boy on the left at 20 weeks

Too Busy Thinkin Bout My Baby... (in my case... Babies)

Wayyyy back on September 13th... I blogged in anticipation of our BIG day. The day we had been waiting for, for years. I thought about what I would write on the day I found out either YES you're PREGNANT or sorry, we did not have success this cycle. I knew in my mind what I would say either way... but that all went out the window when I saw those two pink lines on September 22nd, 2011... and again on September 23rd... and again on September 24th... let's just say I spent way too much money on pregnancy tests... but it was SO worth it!

I had always imagined what that day would be like. I was starting to think those stupid pregnancy tests were a joke. It was better than I ever could have imagined. Yes, I went against the advice of so many people and took my pregnancy tests early... but it was great because I was able to get excited all over again when I went in for blood tests a week later and got that call from my favorite doctor in the whole world... Dr. Johnson... who said, "You and Gene have success"!! They were words spoken from the heart. He was truly as excited as we were and that made it even more memorable.

A week later, we went in for our first scan. I was seriously more nervous about the first scan than I was about the IVF transfer! I knew in my heart that I wouldn't be let down and that I would become pregnant... but I had no idea what the future would hold.. what the scan would reveal.. what the next 9 months would be like. Seeing those two black blobs on the screen was even more exciting than seeing the two pink lines. Who knew pink lines and black blobs would be the most memorable and exciting visuals in my life thus far... and no that is not a reflection of my life.. it is just truly that amazing. IT'S TWINS!!! Truly a miracle. They both had flickering hearts which took our breath away. We're going to be parents.

Now, I said that I would come back and blog about all this much sooner than I actually am. Considering I am more than halfway through my pregnancy I would say that I have epically failed as a blogger... but what can I say... i've been busy! My pregnancy has not been the easiest so far. We started out with a bleeding episode at 10 weeks that landed me in the hospital (when I say bleeding episode I mean it literally looked like I was being murdered... terrifying). I cried the whole way to the hospital at 3a.m. thinking that I had lost one or both of my twins. It was the longest 2 hour wait in that emergency room waiting to be taken to the ultrasound room while simultaneously bleeding and hooked up to an IV. Gene and I finally got to go back to the ultrasound room. The nurse was sweet and tyring to joke with us, but I was clearly in no mood. She starts the ultrasound and I was shaking violently between being freezing and terrified at the same time. Of course in the hospital it's not like the doctor's office where you can see the happiness on the screen in front of you... they hide the screen from you... and then Gene says, "they're moving!" I literally felt weight being lifted off my shoulders. The nurse said that all looked well.. and then all of a sudden we heard a heartbeat... for the first time. I burst into tears. I felt as though I had gotten my child back... even though I never lost either of them... but thinking I had was enough to kill me. Seeing Gene's face while watching his babies, hearing their hearts beat, and seeing his wife cry was so moving. I love him so much it makes me tear up just thinking back... not just pregnancy hormones. After that whole episode things got a little better. We learned that I had Placenta Previa and that since it was early they should move up on their own... which they did.

I am now almost 21 weeks pregnant with my sweet daughter and handsome son. Do we have names picked out? Yep!! They will be revealed officially on the baby shower and diaper party invitations. I am feeling both of them kick me quite often. We saw my stomach do some crazy moves for the first time last week which was AMAZING! Gene finally got to feel an official kick to the hand this week too which brought tears to my eyes seeing how excited he was.

To our beautiful twins:

You are already our world. Our lives revolve around you. We both love you so much and can't wait to see your faces and hear you cry on the day you are born. We hope you can hear us when we talk to you so that you know you are both loved so much already. You both hold a special place in my heart, Daddy's heart and all of our families hearts. You are both the most wanted and anticipated children and you will be loved so. We will see you soon... but not too soon! Stay safe and grow for at least another 14 weeks babes!


Mommy and Daddy