Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Baby There Ain’t No Mountain High Enough… To Keep Me From You…..

Today is shot number 75. 75? I never thought I would be saying that. I can’t believe we have come this far. We still have our little routine down. Every night at the same time, my phone cries. Yes, cries... like a baby. Some of you have heard the sound. It definitely makes me laugh! That has been my ultimate goal throughout all of this... laughter, happiness, and positive energy. This has proven difficult while on Lupron although I will say it has gotten much easier! Yesterday I started Estradiol… yet another medication. This one has an entirely different bridge for me to pass over. It looks like birth control!!!!!!!!!!! For those of you who don’t know... I gag at the sight of anything that resembles birth control. I can’t tell if it is actually the pill that makes me want to throw up on or around myself, or just the sight of it along with my wonderful brain. Either way… this will be a fun two weeks! Two weeks you ask? Yep!!  Sometime during the week of the 12th (most likely the 12th or 13th) we will be doing the egg retrieval… then 3-5 days later (most likely 5) we will be transferring our beautiful little pietre dish babies into my uterus.  We are cheering on twins! Come on twins! I decided that I would be willing to do this again for a second child, but not for a third… however I’m desperately praying that we get two at once so I don’t have to do this again. Gene supports me in this decision.

A few days ago I picked up my last batch of medication. I should have brought a shopping cart with me. Holy medications! I walked in to the Apothecary Shop and they say, “Hi Tanya”… which is cool and all but <sigh>… they know me just by my face. I am just so glad that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have 4 oral pills (1 of which is a steroid which should be tons of fun since I had to sign a WAIVER to take it) and then… I have a medication… let’s just say the object I have to use to administer this medication and the way I have to administer this medication is enough to make anyone cry. 15 more days… 15 more days….

Last week we had our mock session. Basically, they do exactly what they are going to do during the embryo transfer… just without our babies. Can I say, ouch? Apparently I have a curve of some sort between my cervix and my uterus so they have to curve the catheter around the bend. Gene looks at the screen and says, “Is it supposed to look like that?” My doctor says, “Well... No… but its ok”… then Gene says, “well, why does is it like that”... my response before Dr. Johnson even has a chance to respond… “Because… Why wouldn’t I have anything else wrong in there?” It was a pretty funny moment which actually posed a problem because I have never had to pee so badly in my life. I was terrified I was going to pee on the doctor and I’m pretty sure he was too. Ultimately, the appointment went great. My uterus is happy and healthy and is ready for some embryos. She was a little upset about the poking and prodding and balloons and dyes or whatever else was shoved in there (of course besides a baby) but we made it out ok.

On a different note, I learned something that really has put my mind at ease. It is a little difficult to explain the ease and relaxation I feel but I can start to explain by saying that my Grandma and I were extremely close. I am who I am today because of her and my mother and I miss her so much everyday although I know she is with me. She always used to tell me she would always be with me, even when she died. She passed away June 24th, 2009 which also happened to be her birthday… except in the year 1920. Well, 40 weeks from the date of the proposed embryo transfer date is no other date than June 24th. She is with me and it is such an amazing feeling.


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