Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We've Only Just Begun

Last night was shot #5  and was by far the easiest one yet. I completed the shot with only a flinch. I didn’t cry, wine, or walk numerous circles around the kitchen table trying to ease my pain while my husband says, “walk it off, walk it off babe, walk it off”.  Today, the only complaint I have really is a headache and some moodiness. My appetite is much better than it has been since Friday although I’m still not myself.  I am hoping this is a sign that it will only get easier, not worse. Considering it is only day 5 I feel that we are on a good path. Yesterday my two Kep boys walked in the door, each with their hands behind their back. I could see orange flowers peeking up over the top of the mini Kep's head but kept my surprise face.  On the count of 3, they each gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. This made my day! Knowing I have people behind me… supporting me through this entire journey… is what keeps my spirits up! Seeing the little step-dude’s face when he gave me my flowers was so sweet. While he has no idea what exactly is going on… he knew that he made my day a little easier and that was precious. Speaking of the mini Kep; people have asked me, “Does it make it harder for you going through this having a step son?” The answer to that question is, “No freakin’ way!  He makes this easier!”  That little  boy is the sweetest, kindest kid you will ever meet. His heart bleeds whenever yours does. I hope my kid(s) is just like his big brother. I will say this though… 6 year old + vegetables= pulling my hair out. Lets throw a variable in there and call it Lupron and I belong in the circus. Oh, and speaking of circus… we are taking Landon there tonight as a surprise! Should be a great way to get my mind off everything and just relax for a few hours. 5 shots down... approximately 27 to go!! Closer everyday....

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